We invite you to learn more about the Learning Pills!
The Learning Pills, or training capsules, offer the students of the CETT-UB Campus the opportunity to spend a short period of time (between 2 and 4 hours) as observers in the hotel, under the supervision of a designated manager.
This strategy consists of "learning by watching" and is an experience based on shadowing, which aims to familiarize the person with the tasks and learn from others by watching what they do. They are framed within the Responsible Talent dimension of the Alimara University Hotel and offer a dynamic learning format that gives an extra value to academic training.
Observing the dynamics of the Hotel Alimara's reception desk
One of the CETT-UB students who has participated in the Learning Pills is Nadia Campoy, who had the opportunity to participate in a training capsule to learn about the daily life of the reception of the Hotel Alimara. We accompanied her during part of the experience so that she could share her impressions with us. Nadia explained to us that the motivation for participating in the Learning Pills was "because I wanted to know first-hand how the different departments of a hotel work and to better understand their internal dynamics."
These innovative training capsules allow CETT-UB Campus students to learn in a different way and Nadia noted that the added value of this experience was that they "helped her to connect the theoretical knowledge acquired at university with the professional reality. They have also given me a better understanding of the collaboration between the different departments and the day-to-day running of the hotel, something that cannot always be learned in the classroom."
As for the learning from this action of the Alimara Hotel Universitario, Nadia told us that thanks to the Learning Pills she has "understood the importance of communication and coordination between departments, and how every detail impacts the customer experience. In addition, I have gained confidence to ask questions and look for creative solutions in real situations."
The Learning Pills are a method that develops knowledge through practice and observation that allow you to quickly get a clear idea of the culture, the working environment of the company and the functions or performance expected of students when they join the labor market. We will explain different experiences of CETT-UB students at the Hotel Alimara to know first hand and from many points of view, how to continue innovating in the training of the future of the tourism and hotel sector.