Last Tuesday, at the Hotel Alimara we made a live connection with the program "Tot es mou" of TV3. Within the framework of the Mobile World Congress and the high hotel occupancy in Barcelona, with most hotels close to 100% occupancy, the public television magazine put in the focus of the debate how this high occupancy can be made compatible with the generalized drought situation that Catalonia is currently going through.
Eva Viciano, our manager, explained the measures that Hotel Alimara is implementing to fight against water waste and to become a more sustainable hotel every day. At the Alimara we have managed to stay below the water consumption per guest per night set by the European Union.
We have achieved this through various measures such as changing the natural grass for artificial grass or the use of the water left over by the clients of the Summum Restaurant and corporate meetings to water the plants or use it for cleaning the hotel.
To put it in perspective, we collect about 55 liters of water per week from our meeting rooms alone, which translates into annual savings of more than 2,600 liters of water. Overall, and in comparison to previous years, we are managing to consume 25% less water than before we implemented these measures.
If you are interested in recovering the live, you can do it in this link starting at 02:05:30